Monday, January 18, 2010


Pengurusan sumber manusia yang strategik adalah amat penting dalam mana-mana syarikat dan organisasi. Ianya penting untuk mencapai matlamat, visi dan misi yang telah ditetapkan oleh syarikat. Pengurusan yang strategik akan sentiasa memikirkan sebuah perancangan yang tepat dalam mencapai matlamat syarikat. Sepertinya, apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mencapai matlamat dan bagaimana cara untuk mencapainya.

Untuk mencapai matlamat syarikat adalah tidak semudah yang disangkakan. Oleh itu pengurusan yang strategik adalah sangat penting. Pengurusan ini bukan hanya berkaitan dengan proses bagaimana untuk mencapai matlamat samaada untuk jangka panjang atau pendek malahan ia berkaitan dengan bagaimana sesebuah organisasi menguruskan para pekerjanya untuk memastikan matlamat tercapai dengan jayanya.

Seorang pengurus juga penting dalam memastikan perjalanan pengurusan yang strategik berjalan dengan lancar dalam mencapai matlamat yang ditetapkan. Di mana seorang pengurus harus sentiasa memastikan para pekerjanya menjalankan tugas yang diberikan dengan cemerlang dan menghasilkan hasil kerja yang memuaskan dan menepati itipati syarikat. Malahan, para pengurus juga akan sentiasa mengawal dan menggunakan sumber secara efektif dan berkesan supaya dapat melaksanakan tindakan yang sewajarnya untuk mencapai misi dan visi syarikat.

Seperti mana yang kita sedia maklum, tenaga sumber manusia adalah antara sumber yang paling penting dalam mencapai sesuatu matlamat yang telah ditetapkan. Oleh itu, pihak pengurusan dan pihak atasan haruslah sentiasa memastikan tahap kepuasan kerja pekerjanya setiasa dalam tahap yang memuaskan dan sentiasa bersemangat dalam melaksanakan tugas yang telah diberikan. Dengan menggunakan strategi dalam pengurusan sumber manusia, pekerja akan lebih berkemampuan untuk mencapai prestasi dengan cemerlang. Mereka akan mengetahui peranan mereka dengan lebih jelas. Dengan kesdearan ini, mereka akan dapat menyalurkan tenaga mereka dengan lebih efektif dalam menjalankan tugas masing-masing.

Dengan demikian, objektif strategik organisasi anda dapat dicapai. Organisasi anda berkemampuan untuk berjaya, dan dapat bertahan dan berjaya dalam masa panjang demi untuk kebaikan organisasi dan pekerja.

Pengurusan yang strategik bukan sahaja penting dalam memastikan matlamat tercapai malah ia nya penting dalam menghadapi persaingan dengan organisasi luar dan berhadapan dengan sebarang perubahan yang akan dan bakal berlaku. Oleh itu, misi yang ditetapkan haruslah sentiasa dalam jangka yang boleh dicapai dengan jaya nya. Ini bagi memudahkan pihak pengurusan membuat sebarang perancangan yang strategik bagi kebaikan kedua-dua pihak.

Selain itu, pengurusan yang strategik adalah diperlukan oleh sesebuah syarikat atau organisasi supaya setiap staf dapat mengenalpasti dan menentukan tugas yang sewajarnya dilaksana untuk menjadikan organisasi berjaya. Umumnya, organisasi yang berjaya ialah organisasi yang berupaya memberikan nilai dan manfaat kepada para pelanggan dan pemegang taruhnya.


The personnel administration movement

By the late 1800s, people problems were a very real concern in the workplace. For the average blue-collar worker, most jobs were low-paying, monotonous and unsafe. Some industries experienced difficulty recruiting and retaining employees because of the poor working conditions workers were exposed to. As the means of production continued to shift from farmlands and guilds to city factories, concerns grew about wages, safety, child labor and 12-hour workdays. Workers began to band together in unions to protect their interests and improve living standards. Government stepped in to provide basic rights and protections for workers.

Forward-thinking employers recognized that productivity was connected to worker satisfaction and involvement and realized they could not meet production schedules with bands of disgruntled employees. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the personnel profession that grew out of concerns about employee absenteeism and high turnover attempted to solve worker problems with such basic personnel management functions as employee selection, training and compensation.

It's believed that the first personnel management department began at the National Cash Register Co. (NCR). NCR faced a major strike at the turn of the century but eventually defeated the union after a lockout in 1901. After this difficult union battle, company President John H. Patterson decided to improve worker relations by organizing a personnel department to handle grievances, discharges, safety and other employee issues. The department also kept track of pending legislation and court decisions and these first personnel managers provided training for supervisors on new laws and practices.

NCR was not alone in its efforts to address employee grievances. Other employers were looking for management solutions that would alleviate employee disenchantment. Many attempted to ease labor unrest by increasing wages. For example, Ford experienced employee turnover ratios of 380 percent in 1913; in 1914, the company doubled the daily salaries for line workers from $2.50 to $5, even though $2.50 was a fair wage at that time.

Although industrial giants were beginning to understand that they had to do more than just hire and fire if they were going to meet consumer demands for products, most of the objectives of early personnel professionals were one-sided. Business leaders still viewed the work itself as infinitely more important than the people doing it, and production rates remained the top concern. Because employers believed employees would accept more rigid standards if they received extra pay and benefits, most employer-sponsored business solutions were aimed at making employees more efficient. From this mind-set grew scientific management approaches based on the work of Frederick W. Taylor and other experts whose goal was to get people to perform as efficiently as machines.

Of course, such approaches did little to improve worker morale or improve working environments. To counter the growing strength of the labor movement, some employers hired strikebreakers or kept blacklists of union members. Others made workers sign "yellow-dog" contracts -- agreements that they would not join unions. Still others attempted to protect their interests by creating company unions to preempt the influence of outside union activities.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Me doing some thoughts♥♥

My emotion today---> SAD :( + rational~i think....

I wish:
~to be a better person...hope i will~someday!! though i am only one person n i know i cant do everything,but somehow..i can still do something to my life. I'm sure there's something i can do..hmm(sigh*)..also i wish to be an entrepreneur in the future,n make a lots of money hahaha,but still, at wat field??uhhuu..seems that i'm not ready enough for the future..sad!! :(
I wish,i'm able to be more serious wit my life, i've done taking my life for granted tis few years..huhu..

I'm thinking:
~of doing something different-->but the fact is there's no much different in's me again~the same old-me...i'm genuinely set tis determination(used to exactly)~to lose weight tis few months,but still..i ended up become more n more chubby..huhu..i feel very bad about it ,i never succeed in fulfilling my dream,n i hope tis won't be forever..i need some space to breath freely..i need to become more useful..i need strength to overcome my weakness. So tis is wat i'm thinking now~i have to be strong..chaiyok3!!!

I dream of:
~having a peaceful vacation n a very delicious meals ever ♥ i'd love to..ahahha...but where on earth m i going to??? i'm now at a very unsteady financial status..huhu..i wish i've lots of money rite now so i can go on wit my dream..just my luck then..sad :(


Thursday, April 16, 2009

I was tagged by Jenny~again..haha*

Last beverage → iced tea
Last phone call → Ayie Last text message → Hagman
Last song you listened to → When You Tell Me That You Love Me~Westlife Ft Diana Ross
Last time you cried→ a month ago..huhu..

=Dated someone twice → noo..
=Been cheated on → yes

=Kissed someone & regretted it → nah.

ost someone special→ yes


=Fallen out of love → hmm..

=Laughed until you cried → yes.

=Met someone
who changed your life → no.
=Found out someone was talking about you → yeah...

=How many people on your top friends do you know in real life? → all of them.

=Do you have any pets →no. m quite scared wit furly animals..huhu..

=Do you want to change your name → i did ever thought bout that once(b4 la..hehe)~but now
m so grateful to be given the name by my daddy..thanks dad.

=What time did you wake up today → very ku terjaga byk kali,apakah

=What were you doing at midnight last night → updating my blog la..apa gik..

=Name something you cannot wait for → GAWAI!!!!
<<<---kan Jenny
=The last time you saw your father→ on January 6th..masa ku mok balik kolej..huhu

=What's one thing you wish you could change→wars to peace

=Have you ever talked to a person named Tom → yes.

=What's getting on your nerves right now →nothing..

=What's your name → Ruth Marin

=Primary School→ SRK Tabuan Jaya,SRB St Paul Bunuk
,SK RPR Batu Kawa
=Middle/Secondary School → SMKBK,GRSS

=Hair color → not so sure..huhu..coz it used 2 be black but it does glowed into something
=Long or short →shoulder cut..

=Are you a health freak → haha!nope.

=Righty or lefty → righty


First surgery → never.

First piercing → cant recall..

First best friend → Marlene.miss u gurl..huhu..

First sport you joined → badminton~same la we 2 Jen..

First pet → my mum cats kot...she really loves cats.

First vacation → Pantai Pandan kot ngan famili n sumuk(i was 12 back then)


Eating → soto~leftover kmek org tgahr tadik,so why waste..haha..

Drinking → iced milo..grlup*

Waiting → msg from someone..


Want kids? →of are cute...

Want to get married?→want3..cant wait the day...

Careers in mind? → lalalallala..


=Kissed a stranger → eurghh..never!!!

=Drank Wine/Beer/alcohol →nope..dont like the taste..

=Lost glasses/contacts → nope.

=Ran away from home →nope.

=Broken someone's heart → rarely..i just cant satisfied all people at one time..

=Been arrested → nope

=Cried when someone died → i do.

Yourself → of course

Miracles → yessss...

Love at first sight → hmmm...sometimes~

Heaven → yes.

Kiss on the first date→ ahahahaha..

Angels → yes


Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yes.=)
Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → nope.

Do you believe in God? →yes~ i really, really do.

  • * fairy n those who read tis..ehehe..hugs

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Babe + Sumuk<<<

ku xtauk mok post apa koh, i think tis pic is cute,hahhaa..i wish i could find someone who really love me n end up mcm pic tok in the future hehehe~bahagia la hidup tok cam roda juak..very hard to predict our future [eugh..seram aku ngenang eyh] nowadays byk kita dgar couples,got married n divorced..hmmmm...apa mok jadi la kan???huhuhu...adakah laki yg curang @ perempuan x pande jga laki??hmmm...sama2 la kita fikirkan....

lots of love: ruth.m*

Huh..girls' favourite quiz,ahha~

Love Survey: You must answer every question TRUTHFULLY!!
SHOOT! :)~<--- Jenny sayin'

1.Are you currently in a relationship?

2.Have you ever been given a teddy bear?
=yes. a big puppy teddy, 3 teddy bears given by my lovely frenz~

3.What are your all-time favorite love story movie?
=hmmmm~blank3<---no comment

4.Are you in love right now?
=yes duu..would u marry me??!! hahaha....

5.Do you believe that everyone has a soul mate?
=yes i do.

6.What's your current problem?
=no ploblerm...winkz~ST tongue twist..

7.Have you ever had your heart broken?
=yes..fragile heart

8.Your thoughts ON online or long distance relationships?
=hmmm...depends on how both person managed their relationship...

9.Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?
=no..friend remains friend to me.. many kids you want to have?
=as many as i wish...hehhe..cute ba baby..

11.What is/are your favorite color/s?
=white,purple,etc.~coz i got too many colors i like..hehehe..

12.Who is your celebrity crush
=duh~pun bukannya sidak kenal idea~

13.Do you believe you truly only love once?
=maybe,perhaps...i just go with the flow~life is too hard to predict...huhu..

14.Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died, would you get re-marry?

15.Do you believe in love at first sight?
=no idea..

16.What song do u want to be played at your wedding?
=i hand it to my future hubby la..hahahaha....

Exam paper mandarin ari towk...huhuhu..

Exam paper mandarin ari towk...huhuhu...teruk na juak..ku langsung xtauk mok jawab apa...[erps!!! not just aku,malah ramai lg x taw nk jawab] ahhhahaha...bukannya x xtaw..apa yg diajar n kami blaja lgsung x kuar pun...uhhuhu...sodeh wat we plan is to kan..bukan salah kami...pengawas ari ini pun senyap jer..buat x nampak ja,sporting~mereka pun tau yg paper nih susah..uhuhu..yay!!! rasa mcm x exam ja...mcm buat latihan yg selama ini kami x taw apa ntah..hhahahaha!!! ~selama ini pun aku dah penah ponteng 3 kelas mandarin, and byk kali dtg setengah waktu kuliah ja n selebihnya aku n geng cabut larik senyap2 masa lecturer x perasan...huhu~teruk bah perange..hihihi~what to do..