posing..posing..we love it..

Daniel..comel..hehe..a chinese ,outspoken person,hmm..apalagi..kind-hearted too..terer masak..lepas masak adala dia panggil kami makan..his favourite,laksa sarawak...hehe

Linda..a Kedah girl,very softspoker(kat kelas jer laa..)..hehe..she love to spend her time sleeping..omg..hehe..a very generous,kind-hearted n caring..our favourite pastime together is playing badminton..terer wooo dia...hehe

Tis beautifull energetic girl is Sorhairul Zamzila..nick~ELLE...she's one of my housemate,a very funny person...she loved to dance..n mariah carrie is her favourite singer..

Izah Cute..that's what we call her..she cute almost in every part of her..love to laugh,a good student n cute..u'll love her when u know her..She's also a sarawakian,a malay, bidayuh n jawa mix..n she love almost everything in pink..n a big fan of Hello Kitty n japanese korean taiwan drama n all sort of yang berkaitan dengannya..hehe..

Adeline Belayau Ak. Lang..in short is Ayau..the most adorable n beautifull..hehe..an iban native, who is from Kapit,Sarawak..preety good as a soft speaker(able to persuade people), a good companian,my roomate,trustworthy,friendly n a caring person..she's great..love her..yes!! I do..:)

IKA (in white~T),Ayau(the cutie..) n Stanely~the ngegeh guy..hehhe..Ika is one of my housemate..very easy-going person,very outspoken..n very loud..hehehe...she have a good voice almost in anything~singing,on call n while talking..she just love to shout out loud..hehehe..She love to dress in pink coz she love her stuff to be in pink~omg...Stanely..is the most ngegeh guy on earth..hehe,he like 2 praise himself~siap puji diri comel(layak ker??)..haha..very good at singing, his dream is to join AF..gbu stan..may your dream comes true..

Didi..the full name is Mohd Redzuan,have 2 admit that he is a she..hehehe..but he is a very generous n great frenz..eventhough he is different n not as maskulin as a guy should be but i respect him..he used to help me a lot ever since we met..
ruth kin tembam...comel...gambar aku sikda kah...?
haha..atie...ku xda gambar ko eyh...xpala sabar jak lah k...
aku mmg comel hahahah..
ngegeh...ko online agik kah???
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